Games Animation Forum

舊 12-10-13, 05:56 PM   #6355
Game Master
註冊日期: Jul 2005
文章: 3,495
如何將已有或創建 Nintendo Network ID 登入 3DS Miiverse
先到"本體設定" 更新到版本 7.0 後, 按下屏右上角的 Miiverse 圖案, 設定或創建 NNID, 請看以下介紹片段跟著做就沒問題

1.已有Wii U NNID 就用已有的WiiU NNID
2.沒有的請創建一個 NNID, 以後買了 WiiU 也可用回這個 NNID 登入,
3.一個 NNID 只能绑定一部 Wii U 主機 和 一部3DS 主機
Wii U, 3DS 的 e-shop 結餘將會整合 (如果 Wii U, 3DS 不同區者, 結餘將會被消去)
4. Nintendo Club 和 NNID 的服務是不同的, 請創建另外的登入名稱
5. 登入了NNID後,你可以進入e商店下載免費遊戲和體驗版
6. 3DS Miiverse 現在沒有加好友功能 (因某些罪行....), 所以大家善用"follow" 功能 = like/關注

詳情 :

3DS MiiVerse and NNiD - Finally online!!! First footage!

Version 7.0.0-13U available via wireless Internet connection includes the following improvements:
Added Support for Nintendo Network IDs:

Users can now create or link a Nintendo Network ID, which is required to use some network services, from within System Settings
Nintendo eShop has been updated to support Nintendo Network IDs (*1)
For more information regarding Nintendo Network IDs, please visit our Nintendo Network ID introduction page
Added Support for Miiverse:

Users can now view and post to Miiverse from Nintendo 3DS family systems
For more information regarding Miiverse, please visit our Miiverse introduction page
Added a Software Update Notification:

A notification will now display when software is started and update data is available (*2)
Removed the limit to system transfers:

The previous limit of five system transfers per system has been removed
Changed the start-up method of Nintendo 3DS Camera from the HOME Menu:

Pressing the L and R Buttons simultaneously will now start the Nintendo 3DS Camera from the HOME Menu
Improved system stability and usability:

Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience

*1 Credit card information stored on the Nintendo eShop will be deleted after this update is performed or after linking a new Nintendo Network ID
*2 SpotPass must be enabled to use this feature

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