Games Animation Forum

主題: [飲食新聞] M記討論區 Vol.6
舊 06-23-15, 05:54 AM   #989
Ultimate Gamer
註冊日期: Mar 2003
文章: 4,229
McDonald's restaurants become makeshift homeless shelters across Hong Kong...
With its 24-hour openings and warm, cheap food, McDonald's is a popular destination after a night out.
But in Hong Kong, those qualities have unwittingly turned its restaurants into makeshift shelters for the city's homeless population.
Some of the city's poorest residents are now spending the night in one of the city's 235 McDonald's restaurants and staff say they are powerless to stop them.

Photographer says they are 'drinking alcohol, smoking and washing up'
Nearly 20% of the Hong Kong population lives below the poverty line
Poverty: Homeless people in Hong Kong are turning the city's McDonald's restaurants into makeshift shelters

今時今日嘅香港, 搞到人連劏房都住唔起..
不過訓到咁大模私讓仲食埋煙, 比著係其他地方就一定被趕走..

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