Games Animation Forum

舊 05-20-10, 11:39 PM   #24
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Apr 2005
文章: 7,520
Wii U IDtsuiwil
3DS Friend Code1461 6149 1247
PSN  IDtsuiwil_jp
Android keynote 而家開始緊, 一開始就串 Apple

不過而家 Android 好似唔 support front-face camera, 提呢點想點呢

2.2 Froyo announcement:

1. JIT compiler - "2x to 5x application speed-up"
2. Cloud-to-Device messaging system
3. Tethering and portable hotspot (wifi)
4. New version browser
- V8 from Chrome - Javascript performance optimization
- accelerometer and camera support
- Flash 10.1 support
5. Apps install and move to SD card (新 game: Need for Speed)
6. Apps auto-update
7. Web 版 Apps store, OTA installation
8. Adsense for mobile apps


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