Games Animation Forum

舊 01-11-12, 09:34 PM   #25
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 31,566
XBLA 版出咗了,800MSP~!


Official Website|Achievement|Demo|GAF

完整版遊戲 - AMY
發行日期: 11/1/2012
大小: 1.55 GB

The city is infected! Walking corpses sniff the air, flaring out anything still alive. There is only one thing keeping you from running for your life. A special little girl holds your hand... You're not going anywhere without her. AMY offers you a tense, innovative and immersive experience in survival horror gaming. Play two original characters who alone are desperately fragile, but united become a force capable of confronting the denizens of a living hell. Get ready to become infected.


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