Games Animation Forum

舊 10-08-11, 10:45 AM   #173
Junior Member
註冊日期: Aug 2008
文章: 63
有代表性還代表性呀、都唔使咁無限 loop 架嘛....
又唔可以咁講,唔通你話JAM Project首Skill又唔使咁無限 loop 咁咩?其實作為一個歌手,唱什麼歌都有佢的考量同選擇,我地作為聽眾/觀眾都應該要尊重番佢地。

(呀~其實我好想聽米倉唱seize the day呀...)

A nameless passer-by, a solitary figure lingering on a street corner, a person rushing past. It could be anyone, anybody. Someone coming, going, living in our anonymous society. A member of the crowd, one of the silent majority. The one who cries out, sings and dreams within us all.
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