Games Animation Forum

舊 07-13-11, 01:17 PM   #1
The One
註冊日期: Mar 2002
文章: 20,716
[XBLA] They Bleed Pixels

'They Bleed Pixels' brings low-res slaughter to XBLIG
by JC Fletcher on Jul 12th 2011 11:00PM

"They Bleed Pixels is a fast-paced, gothic lo-fi, platforming beat'em up that drips, gushes and flows," explains the website for Spooky Squid Games' new XBLIG platformer. We'd be hard-pressed to come up with a more accurate, succinct description.

Check out the above trailer and you'll immediately see every element of that loaded sentence in motion. They Bleed Pixels combines the tiny protagonist and enclosed, danger-filled platforming challenges of a game like Super Meat Boy or N+, with a one-button combo attack system that rewards skillful execution with checkpoints.

They Bleed Pixels will be released this summer on XBLIG, featuring a soundtrack by DJ Finish Him "created using unconventional instruments and gadgets often not meant for musical use." You can find samples of the soundtrack at the official site.

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