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舊 02-12-11, 08:08 PM   #1
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God of Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2010
文章: 9,253
[所有可以玩遊戲嘅機] Skylanders Spyro's Adventure - 玩具遊戲融合:Activision全力投球

[3DS, DS/DSi, Mobile, PC, PS3, PSP, Wii, X360]

Activision Bringing Back Spyro through Toy / Video Game Mash-up
NEWS | Author: GD Staff
Activision announced this morning that the Spyro the Dragon series of video games is getting revived, this time with an action-figure twist.
Skylanders Spyro's Adventure uses computers, mobile devices, home consoles, and handhelds to recognize real-world toys and then put them into the video game. Kids and enthusiasts that pick up the toys will be able to use them on multiple platforms, including those of friends. These "toys with brains" remember "achievements and level-ups wherever they go".
"These are more than action figures. They are inter-action figures," said Eric Hirshberg, CEO of Activision Publishing. "By pairing world class character design, world class video game design and world class story telling into one entertainment experience, we've given players a whole new genre that bridges the gap between the real and virtual worlds." Activision promises that the toys are "highly collectible" and that the interactive experience they provide is second to none, literally bringing the toys to life for the consumer.
Skylanders Spyro's Adventure and the technology behind the integration of the toys was developed by Activision's Novato, California-based studio, Toys for Bob, which is headed by creative director and studio head, Paul Reiche.
The big guns were pulled out to pen the game's story, as the Academy Award winning writers for the original Toy Story movie, Alek Sokolow and Joel Cohen, were given the nod.
Activision has paired with Toys R' Us to publish and market the game and toys together. Skylanders Spyro's Adventure will be demoed in New York City for the first time February 13 - 16 at the American International Toy Fair. No firm pricing has been confirmed as of yet, though the toys and video game are expected to hit retail in Fall 2011.
For a look the video game's 13 screenshots as well as five different action figure toys, head over to our Skylanders Spyro's Adventure game page.
Link: Skylanders Spyro's Adventure (the link is not functioning but will soon be available).
Key Features (taken directly from the Activision press release):
  • Each Character Has its Own Unique Powers- In addition to the highly collectible design and personalities of the toys themselves, each character has different powers and abilities, opening different experiences inside the game. Players can drop in and out of each level with as many different characters as they like, making each players experience unique.
  • Toys With Brains - Each toy/character remembers the player's shared experiences. Achievements and leveled up capabilities earned in the game are embedded inside the toy and travel with the toy. Wherever the toy goes, its experiences go with it.
  • Portal of Power - The Portal of Power serves as the gateway between our world and the amazing world of the characters in Skylanders Spyro's Adventure.
  • Play With Friends - By placing two characters on the Portal of Power at once, players can team up together for cooperative play, or face off in player versus player battle arenas utilizing their leveled up characters.
  • Diverse Experiences on Diverse Devices - While the toys can be used with gaming consoles to play the disc based game, completely different gaming experiences await them on the mobile app and inside the Web World, each of which were designed specifically for those platforms. The result is a remarkable number of different gaming experiences in one game.

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