Games Animation Forum

舊 05-17-10, 09:42 PM   #147
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Nov 2003
文章: 8,090
3DS Friend Code3523 2002 7295
PSN  IDLeifeiPatrick
XBox Live Gamertagfpatrick
More Marvel vs. Capcom 3 gameplay details and notes

An anonymous reader sent over a bunch more notes about Marvel vs. Capcom 3 to give players a better idea of what to expect from the upcoming game. For older details and some scans, check out this story.

• If you were disappointed that you didn't see certain no-brainer Capcom characters in Tatsunoko vs Capcom for the Wii, don't give up hope. Niitsuma confirmed that big characters like Dante were saved from Tatsunoko for Marvel vs. Capcom 3.

• MvC3's characters were all created from scratch — you won't see recycled character models.

• A sort of cross-over aerial rave can be performed, where you can safely change your character in the middle of an air combo, using the exchange button.

• The flow of combat is just as intense and hectic as MvC2.

• The game is currently using TvC's style Light, Medium, and Hard attacks along with the Exchange button.

• Story mode is being slightly improved, with beginning and ending story bookends, along with in-game events to keep it fresh in players' minds. Producer Ryota Niitsuma insists that though this story is better than in other MvC games, it doesn't steal the spotlight from the action.

• MvC2's cast recycled 15 years of backlog and that's a large reason why it had such a big cast. The Morrigan you saw in 1994's Darkstalkers was basically what you saw in 2000's MvC2.

• Capcom is paying a very large attention to detail to make sure all the characters are very in-character and act like themselves.

• Game Informer raved about the graphics for a good paragraph, apparently lighting is superb and Iron Man's armor has reflections.

• Game Informer seemed very impressed with how Dante was represented in the game. "His cockiness and bravado shines through in every action, doing the white-haired badass justice."

• Backgrounds will be lively. J Jonah Jameson is in a helicopter in the background of the Daily Bugle stage shouting and pointing at the players. There's also a parade in the background that has huge air balloons of characters like Spider-Man and Viewtiful Joe. Servbots and Tron Bonne in the background of the Megaman Legends stage.

Also, character profiles were included for currently confirmed cast members, which include a few gameplay notes as well.

Captain America: This founding member of The Avengers returns with his indestructible shield to deliver combatants to justice. He preserves most of his handy move-set, complete with deadly shield-a-rang tosses and evasive cartwheel maneuvers.

Chris Redfield: This BSAA agent brings over every weapon he can carry from Resident Evil 5 into Marvel vs Capcom 3. Chris devastates opponents with his pistol, shotgun, submachine gun, magnum, satellite laser, and grenade launcher (complete with fire, ice, and electric rounds). He also has a slide attack utilizing his electric baton.

Dante: He may be based on the young Devil May Cry 3 protagonist, but this Dante comes equipped with the best moves from the entire series. He can juggle rival fighters with his dual pistols, close distances by sliding on his knees while playing Nevan (his guitar weapon), and even activate his deadly Devil Trigger mode to increase his speed and power.

Deadpool: Deadpool has the ability to teleport around the battlefield, but do it too many times and his device will backfire to hilarious results. Even breaking the fourth wall, Deadpool's special consists of beating down opponents with his own life bar.

Felicia: Capcom's catgirl returns with her claws out to deliver quick and nimble combos to anyone distracted by her jiggle physics for too long. She is also able to summon a helpful little catgirl partner to double her threat.

The Hulk: Bruce Banner returns in his pissed-off form, and somehow he's even more monstrous than before. This green juggernaut is still sluggish, but his immense power and earth-quaking special make him a good bruiser for your team makeup.

Iron Man: Sleeker and slimmer than MvC 2's Tony Stark, this iteration of Iron Man better reflects his current style in the comics. The gold and maroon superhero's gigantic laser cannon still makes for a great assist, and his jet-boots make him ideal for aerial maneuvers.

Morrigan: Darkstalkers' seductive succubus continues the battle with all her otherworldly moves. She catapults opponents skyward with a gigantic spear summoned from the ground and delivers flying reverse pile drivers.

Wolverine: Logan's claws ravage everything unfortunate enough to stand before him in brilliant swipes of color. His trademark Berserker Barrage move return as both an assist move and a special, making him a perfect main for your team and also a menacing assist character.

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