Games Animation Forum

舊 05-11-08, 01:49 PM   #321
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Dec 2007
文章: 1,049
hide Memorial Summit Day 2 - Part B

LIVE REPORT - 05.11.2008 Author : Yoosh, Heidi & Kreuz The event continued with performances from THE UNDERNEATH, D'espairsRay, MUCC, and Oblivion Dust.

The Underneath

If Transtic Nerve hadn't changed their name, style, and visuals probably more people would've watched their set, since Transtic Nerve was one of the bands that hide had helped over the years. However, unfortunately The Underneath was an unknown band for most, so quite a few people in the audience got up and left their seats during their show. Nevertheless, it was a dynamic and entertaining set.

When Gekkoh ended, vocalist Taka addressed the crowd, saying hide had taught them many things and thanked him for everything he'd done to help the band. He then asked the audience to help The Underneath prove how much hide remained in their hearts and started to chant hide's name. They launched into Doubt and followed with Bite the bullet.


1. Getting closer
2. Gekkoh
3. Doubt (hide cover)
4. Bite the bullet


D'espairsRay entered the stage all dressed in white and started their set with a cover of hide's POSE. The audience seemed pleased both to see the band and hear another hide cover and immediately started jumping and waving their arms.

The next song up was SIXty∞NINe, which inspireed more jumping from the audience while Karyu ran along the wide stage and ZERO spun around like a whirlwhind. They continued with their calmer but still catchy and enjoyable new single BRILLIANT. The last song of their set was MIRROR, which again brought the audience to life, jumping around while enjoying the upbeat finish to the performance.


1. POSE (hide cover)
2. SIXty∞NINe


Homura Uta could be heard while the stage curtain was raised and MUCC entered one by one to great cheers from the audience. They started off with Ranchu and the audience jumped and headbanged along to the music while Tatsuro ran around on stage like a madman. The whole band was lively and energetic as they continued on with the calmer Fukurou no yurikago from their new album, which had its own unique mood and kept the audience excited. The next song, Shion, also from their new album, had a mystical atmosphere with chanting but also some growling thrown into the mix.

After this Tatsuro took a break to talk to the crowd before the band continued on with the lively Fuzz. The audience clapped enthusiastically along to the music while Tatsuro played the harmonica and YUKKE beat away at his double bass. The guitarist from The Underneath came on stage to play the hide cover DICE with them before they ended their set with Libra. As the audience cheered they all bowed deeply and left the stage.


SE - Homura Uta
1. Ranchu
2. Fukurou no yurikao
3. Shion
4. Fuzz
5. DICE (hide cover)
6. Libra

Oblivion Dust

Oblivion Dust, a band that reunited last year, was the last act to appear on one of the sub-stages for the second day, and they were ready to give their best, starting with their cover song Genkai Haretsu, which was already released nine years ago on a hide tribute album. The sound was a bit better than it was for MUCC, but once again many people left the arena while singer Ken Lloyd, guitarist K.A.Z., bassist RIKIJI and their support members provided an energetic performance.

Unfortunately there were more problems with the sound, which the engineers never got under control during the entire set of six songs including the cover of Genkai Haretsu, MICROCHIPPED, NEVER ENDING, RADIO SONG, DESIGNER FETUS and 24 HOUR BUZZ. The audience enjoyed it nonetheless and celebrated the last "small" band of the day but, of course, couldn't wait for the big fishes to come.


1. Genkai Haretsu
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