Games Animation Forum

舊 09-05-07, 01:44 AM   #19
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
2007年9月4日(火) 11時30分


英国の任天堂系雑誌「THE OFFICIAL NINTENDO MAGAZINE」の最新号の次回予告に鮮やかな赤が描かれた「侍」という文字の下に「Bigger.Better.Bolder.Bloodier.And oh - it's online. FIrst screens and hands-on impressions. Only in next month's Official Nintendo Magazine.」という記述があります。


Official Nintendo Magazine: Red Steel 2 Online?
9/1/2007, 8:51pm Eastern Time

The good folks over at GoNintendo unearthed a teaser page for a forthcoming issue of Official Nintendo Magazine (Nintendo official magazine in the UK), and what they found is interesting, to say the least. Splashed across the screen are some paint-style symbols with the line our Move, Young Grasshoppa?and the subtext igger. Better. Bolder. Bloodier. And oh -- it online.?

There are many games the teaser might be referring to -- including a hypothetical Okami remake or developer Grasshopper upcoming No More Heroes. The subtext language, however, seems to suggest a sequel rather than an original IP or a remake, and an online-enabled Red Steel 2 -- a first person shooter -- makes far more sense than other titles.

Of course, nothing will be for certain until the magazine in question hits UK store shelves on September 24.

Source: GoNintendo
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