Games Animation Forum

舊 05-12-07, 12:19 AM   #15
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
Video of Blacksite: Area 51 demo
2007-05-11 16:05:00 by snoopers

Midway finally releases its internal Blacksite: Area 51 demo, which the press has been able to try for almost a year from now (and it shows in the framerate, that recalls the first games that used the UE3 before the release of Gears of War). The level is extremely short and you won't kill anything but a few aliens, but it's still very cinematic and teaches the basics of the gameplay. To be brief, it's more of a playable teaser than a demo.

File : Marketplace demo (130.78 MB) (640x360) - Streaming version
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