Games Animation Forum

舊 05-10-03, 06:25 PM   #1
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 43,898
[GBA]Super Mario Advance 4+逆轉裁判3+Mario Kart新作??

GBA マリオアドバンス4はヨッシーストーリー?マリオカート新作?

そして更に『マリオカート』シリーズの新作がGBAで発売されるともあったそうです。『マリオカート ダブルダッシュ』との連動でGBAでまた発売されるのでしょうか?

Super Mario Advance 4: Yoshi's Story

According to the newest issue of GamePro Magazine, Nintendo will present Super Mario Advance 4 at this year's Electronics Entertainment Expo. However, for folks hoping to finally see an improved version of Super Mario Bros. 3 on the Game Boy Advance have a disappointment awaiting them. According to GamePro, the fourth "classic" Mario port will be of the underwhelming Nintendo 64 title, Yoshi's Story. This hasn't by any means been confirmed officially by Nintendo.

Also on the list of GBA games to show up is another installment in the Mario Kart franchise. That's pretty much all the magazine had to say about this one, but we'd suspect that it will connect in some way with the GameCube's Double Dash if it were to make an appearance.

Both of these announcements remain unofficial and unconfirmed at this time, but we thought you'd like to know. We'll have news come next tuesday, so make sure you come back.

Source: GamePro

Posted by Christian on 5.9.2003

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