Games Animation Forum

舊 09-21-18, 02:43 PM   #148
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Mar 2004
文章: 19,134
作者: wsx360 查看文章


The sound and the graphics are fine. No filters on the PS4 version, just wallpapers. Netcode is garbage but if you're gaming with people with good internet connections, it shouldn't be a problem even though 3 to 4 players will most likely be dreadful with lag. Overall, a quick cash grab for Capcom and not doing a very good job with the Netcode. Worth 20 dollars? As long as you love these games, have the desire to play these games, your friends have good internet connections, then yes, it's worth 20. But overall, nothing special. They could of done a much better job though.

其實呢段只係廢up, 老實講, 無論netcode寫得幾好, 如果你連果d街客係隔左幾個海, 玩下手個PING成150ms, 咁你用咩機都一定唔會順, 呢個係依家INTERNET科技的限制, 同ps4平台或者capcom個netcode寫成點係無關.

而且呢隻野都係模擬器, 個netcode都好可能係GGPO, 同當年PC的模擬器一樣. 依家FIGHTCADE咪又係GGPO改寫.

當然, ps4版仲有野可以做好D, 例如加番connection quality filter(上次sf 30th週年都識得出patch加番, 呢隻竟然冇! 可能又要等後加), 加番wide / full screen 同scanline.

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