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主題: [XB1] Xbox One 情報區
舊 08-31-17, 02:49 PM   #5704
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 31,566
睇返新聞先知原來元祖XBOX ONE外國已經停售了,
我諗對XBOX系主機收集者嚟講元祖XBOX ONE最值得收藏的原因,
應該係佢有一個唔需要用轉換器完整支援New Kinect的插頭位~!

其實我自己14年尾先買元祖XBOX ONE玩,
唔知點解去到出XBOX ONE S主機同力推用Windows 10玩XBOX系game果期,

不過,如果行版XBOX ONE X主機唔會外國首發日太多的話都應該會買嚟玩,
主要係因為自己手上的XBOX 360及XBOX ONE遊戲庫仍然有一大堆GAME未玩,
期望部份遊戲係XBOX ONE X上有免費的4K畫質更新,
加上剛訂了17年款的4K HDR TV,希望可以用XBOX ONE X做4K UHD Blu-ray Player~!!!

The Xbox One Is Now an Ex-Box

As of today you cannot buy a new Xbox One from Microsoft. Manufacturing of the original version of the console ceased a few months back, but today marks the day it became officially unavailable. Until today you could order an original Xbox One from Microsoft's online store but, now, you'll be met with an out of stock notice. That's in the UK store – go to the US store and you'll find they've just removed the Xbox One page entirely, like it never happened.

Obviously you'll still find the odd survivor in stores but, essentially, that's it for the OG Xbox. This being Kotaku UK, we thought we'd send it off with the traditional British requiem mass.

The Xbox One is no more. It has ceased to be: expired and gone to meet Seamus Blackley. A stiff! Bereft of life it rests in peace! It's off the twig, it's kicked the bucket, it's shuffled off this mortal coil, run up the curtain and joined the bleeding edge of the choir invisible. This is an ex-box!
The end of the original Xbox One feels like one of the final acts in Microsoft's extended back-pedal from what the system was at launch. The most striking example of how fast things change is that both Xbox One S and X lack a Kinect port (adaptors are sold separately for both), meaning today also marks the end of Microsoft's brief but disastrous infatuation with the underperforming camera technology.

Kinect had potential, but in the end so few games showed any of it. Perhaps the same could be said of Xbox One which, in its original concept, at least had a forward-thinking bravery. Microsoft's subsequent strategic retreat seems to have convinced few and confused many, and it feels unlikely that Xbox One X will dramatically alter that picture.

Farewell then, Xbox One. Forza Horizon 3 was alright.

Microsoft stops selling the original Xbox One

Microsoft is no longer selling its original Xbox One in the US. The software giant only offers retail versions of the Xbox One S and Xbox One X at its online store, with just $199 refurbished models of the original Xbox One available. Kotaku UK reports that while the original Xbox One has vanished from the US store, Microsoft’s UK store simply lists the old console as “sold out.”

The original Xbox One, that resembled a VCR unit, first launched nearly four years ago priced $100 more than Sony’s PlayStation 4. The gap and the fall out from Microsoft’s mixed messaging on the Xbox One led to Sony taking an early lead in the console wars. Microsoft closed the price gap by unbundling the Kinect sensor from the Xbox One, six months after originally launching the console. While the Xbox One has struggled to match the sales pace of the PS4, Microsoft has refocused its efforts on games and better hardware.

Microsoft launched the Xbox One S last year with a slimmed down look in a robot white style, and also stopped manufacturing the Xbox 360. The smaller console was widely praised over the original console’s design, and also included 4K support for Blu-ray discs and apps like Netflix and Amazon Video. Microsoft is now focusing on the Xbox One S for the entry console, and it’s upcoming Xbox One X for hardcore Xbox fans.

After opening preorders last Sunday, Microsoft now says the Xbox One X is the “fastest-selling Xbox pre-order ever.” It’s hard to calculate exactly what that means, as Microsoft hasn’t provided numbers for its “recording-setting” sales. However, Microsoft sold out of Xbox One X units at Amazon in 25 minutes, and it says fans “have pre-ordered more Xbox One X Project Scorpio Edition consoles in the first five days than any Xbox ever.” Microsoft is now planning to open Xbox One X standard edition preorders next month.

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