Games Animation Forum

舊 04-24-17, 10:42 AM   #6211
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Aug 2013
文章: 724
作者: Hello MiMi 查看文章

Pro Controller D-Pad Teardown and Comparison

The Switch Pro Controller and the Wii U Pro Controller D-Pads are nearly identical as far as the plastic cross is concerned.

They're almost exactly the same aside from the height difference.
Like the Switch Pro Controller versus the SNES, the Switch Pro Controller cross is taller.

The parts are so similar that the Wii U Pro Controller D-Pad will fit as-is in the Switch Pro Controller.

It even behaves exactly the same when the controller is put back together.
It's not quite as comfortable, though, because it's shorter.

A full directional press will "bottom out" with your finger pressing against the plastic of the controller shell. Still, it's amazing that it works as well as it does.

1. Wii U Pro 手制 d pad無 switch Pro 手制 個d pad 咁舒服,因為隻腳短d
2. 但是size 黎講,接近無分別完全可用
3. 換左dpad 後,無問題
4. 但wii u Pro 手制d pad 下面個導電膠要剪少少,唔想剪爛就要出去買零件。

其實咁多人都report 有問題

wiiu 咁多款制都無問題.. 佢地出過work嘅應該唔難

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