Games Animation Forum

舊 01-17-16, 05:30 PM   #43
Crazy Gamer
註冊日期: Oct 2011
文章: 1,503


Team news: Alexis, Rosicky and Elneny

Arsène Wenger has revealed the latest team news ahead of Sunday's Premier League match at Stoke City:

on the team news...
From Liverpool we have no injuries, so that’s good news.

on whether Elneny will play...
Elneny is available for selection, I haven’t decided yet [whether I will play him]. I have to see how everyone has recovered. Elneny is a possibility to be in the squad for Sunday.

on Alexis...
Alexis I would say has a 60:40 chance to be available and be back in the squad. He has two decisive days - Friday and Saturday. He is fit, he has worked very hard and the decision we have to take is whether to take a gamble or not on his injury.

on Rosicky...
Tomas needs first to have a game somewhere. We hope for maybe an under-21 game or at least a bit more training with the first team.

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