Games Animation Forum

舊 07-18-14, 12:24 PM   #3
God of Gamer
註冊日期: Jan 2002
文章: 8,163

-Doom is a remake of the original set on Mars, though additional locations seem likely.
-The two maps that were shown resemble Doom 3, but are much more expansive, open and busy.
-The player's helmet provides overlayed information, replacing the static HUDs of the previous games.
-Early on, the player rips the arm off a dead marine and uses his hand to access an otherwise restricted area.
-The combat uniform looks very high tech and facilitates melee attacks, such as crushing an enemy's head.
-Nearly all enemies shown appear to have cybernetic elements, though they are equally as organic.
-The layouts encourage jumping, with the player leaping very high and gracefully.
-Barrels create enormous explosions.
-The first map had a geo-thermal theme, with lots of sparks and lava. The doors use the classic sound and eveven look the part. Cargo ships or possibly drones could be seen flying in the distance.
-The second map featured a slightly hellish area that felt very Doom 64-ish, complete with hanging body parts.
-Player movement ranges from creeping slow to very fast, less so than Doom 1 but way more than Doom 3.
-The most human looking enemies looked very grotesque and used weapons that resembled light beams and possibly concentrated fire.
-The chainsaw, pistol, shotgun, super shotty, rocket launcher and plasma rifle were shown. No sign of reloading or alt fire.
-Enemies react to where they're hit. Many gibbed in a variety of ways depending on the weapon. The chainsaw in particular tore zombies down the middle in an extremely brutal and visceral manner, and it was different every time.
-The revenant has a jet pack and killed the player by ripping his arms off and beating him to death.
-The mancubus had an extremely gruesome death involving having a piece of its gut shoved down its throat.
-Every weapon seemed to haves lot of power to it. The shotguns have a very good range.
-Sound effects were punchy and meaty. The music combined dark ambient and indusrial. No sign of metal or guitars, period.
-The overall visual style is very detailed and resembles all of the Dooms, with a lot of Doom 3 thrown in, but with far more going on.
-The player can jump on top of enemies and perform brutal melee attacks.
-As for comparisons to Brutal Doom, the blood and gore is very extreme, but appropriate within the context of the combat. The mellee attacks never slow down gameplay and happen within the POV in a couple seconds.
-Each enemy looks unique and the classics are recognized easily. The cyberdemon was shown at the end, but no combat ensued.
-There is an implication that the monsters are UAC experiments gone wrong.
-No sign of help from NPCs.
-Graphics aren't groundbreaking, but does look much better than Rage and significantly better than TNO. Overall, they're true to the gritty industrial tendencies of the series, complimented by very moody use of light and shadow.
-The game will have multiplayer and eill appear on XBOX1, PS4 and PC with a promise of 1080p 60FPS.
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