Games Animation Forum

舊 04-01-14, 11:16 AM   #41
The One
註冊日期: Sep 2002
文章: 31,566
其實應該重差S1出現過果位女警Detective McKenna Hall,
另外有個一夜情的俄妹Isabel Rochev都可以加入戰團…

真係"Once you let the darkness inside, it never comes out",

Birds of Prey
When Frank Bertinelli is arrested, Oliver knows it's only a matter of time before his daughter, Helena, AKA The Huntress, returns to town. To make matters worse, Laurel is picked to try Frank's case, putting her right in the path of Helena. Oliver tells Sara he will handle his ex-girlfriend, but when Helena takes hostages at the courthouse, including Laurel, the Canary will stop at nothing to save her sister. When The Huntress and Canary meet, an epic battle begins. Meanwhile, Roy realizes he needs to keep Thea safe, but doesn't like the way he is forced to go about ...


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