Games Animation Forum

舊 02-04-14, 08:12 PM   #115
Insane Gamer
註冊日期: Feb 2008
文章: 693
作者: 彩子 查看文章

•Critical Infusion - increased recharge from 5s to 10s. Too much dodging in this game and it is a 5 pt trait. It couples too well with Deceptive Evasion.
•Deceptive Evasion is problematic - we are making it so that it only make a clone when you don't have clones out already.

•Putrid Explosion is no longer unblockable
•Training of the Master damage bonus reduced from 30% to 25%
•Dhuumfire changed to make only Life Blast apply 3 sec burning with 10 sec cd - no longer split pve/pvp
•Less passive -- controllable application, and makes for active counter-play possibilities
•Vampiric Master changed (didn't catch the specifics)

更新左,唔會搞deceptive evasion
We’re continuing to lower the amount of vigor available to all professions, especially from sources with low trait point investments. Based on your feedback, we decided to revert our proposed change to Deceptive Evasion.
*Critical Infusion: Increased the recharge from 5 seconds to 10 seconds.
*Illusion of Drowning: Changed skill from a multi-hit to a single-hit, increasing damage to compensate.

One of our goals with the past few balance updates has been to add counterplay to various skills that lacked telegraphs. With necromancer, we’re changing the way that Dhuumfire is activated – allowing players the opportunity to react. This will also allow the necromancer to carefully plan their burning application. We’ve also adjusted some values for Minion Master builds based on player feedback.
*Putrid Explosion: This ability is no longer unblockable.
*Training of the Master: Reduced the damage increase to minions from 30% to 25%.
*Dhuumfire: This trait has been changed so that it will make Life Blast inflict 3 seconds of burning with a 10 second recharge.
Vampiric Master: Reduced the effectiveness of this trait by 10%. The healing portion of this trait will now scale with the necromancer’s healing power stat."

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