Games Animation Forum

舊 12-03-13, 07:38 AM   #3490
The One
註冊日期: Mar 2002
文章: 20,716
Sony UK has 'pool of stock' to deal with 'dead on arrival' PS4s

by David Hinkle (3 hours ago)

Sony UK has prepared for any malfunctioning PS4 consoles, including the dreaded "blinking blue light" error. PlayStation UK Managing Director Fergal Gara told Eurogamer Sony has a stock of PS4s ready to deal with any consoles that are "dead on arrival."

"One thing we've done within our stock allocation is make sure we've got a pool of stock to deal with any 'dead on arrival' issues," Gara said. "It's not a vast volume, because there's no evidence to suggest we need a vast volume to deal with that. But our consumer services helpline is there to support gamers and solve any problems that do emerge."

When the PS4 launched in North America on November 15, reports of isolated issues started to surface. Now, with the PS4 enjoying the most successful launch week in UK video game history, Sony says the roll-out has benefitted from the extra time between regional launches. "[There has been] no major panic or changes required, but little bits of fine-tuning, not just on our side but also on the publishers' side," Gara said. "So, some small little glitches on some games that can be ironed out, patched and tweaked before it comes into Europe." Gara concluded, "the great news is there isn't anything serious."

"This botch job makes Fantastic Four look good." —Peter Travers, Rolling Stone
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